Career Stories

Thursday 7th August 9am - 2pm & 4pm - 8pm
Friday 8th August 9am - 2pm

Mercury Baypark Arena. Free entry

Interested in a career in the building industry? Mark has some great advice

Interested in a career in the building industry? Mark has some great advice

Mark Kopke, National Operations Manager for Generation New Zealand (National office of Generation Homes)

What did you want to be when you were 16?
A Pilot

What did you end up doing when you left school?
A carpentry apprenticeship  

Describe a day in your life at work:
Development and maintenance of the Operational side of our business, which encompasses 
•    National procurement and supply partnerships
•    Training and mentoring
•    Product development
•    Development and maintenance of IT pricing software.

Why do you love your job/career?
At first, the Building industry gave me the opportunity to create, work with my hands, work outside, make a living and keep fit at the same time. This also became the base that gave me the opportunity to become self-employed, which led to an interest in wanting to be involved in bigger business.
The construction sector also allows the opportunity to engage with people from all walks of life. People contact is important to me.
The opportunity for both personal and professional growth has been 2nd to none; it’s there for the taking if you wish to have a shot.

How did you get into your career?
I left school to start a Carpentry Apprenticeship. 

What qualifications did you study?
At college, English, Mathematics, Technical Draughting were the basis of all my classes, there were others but for the life of me I cannot remember what they were.
During my apprenticeship, there were night classes in Quantity Surveying and the likes, I wasn’t a great one to sit down and study, couldn’t sit still for 5 min’s.

Do you have any advice for getting into your sector?
The base secondary qualifications are important, Mathematics, English in particular, however attitude is even more so, show enthusiasm, be willing to learn and work hard.

What do you wish you had done differently?
Backed myself earlier in my career and taken more advantage of opportunities when they arose.

What would you say to your teenage self about defining your future?
Don’t lock yourself into a direction that only has one destination, consider every opportunity as they arise, listen to others but cast your own opinions and don’t be afraid to have a go.
If you are not having fun, go and do something else, you will never be successful at something to do not enjoy.

Title Building Industry

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